
Domaine certified HVE Level III since 2019

Considering the whole farm…

Our commitment is reflected in the vineyard by the choice of mechanical weeding over chemical weeding, and by the permanent employment of a tractor operator. The investment in an intercep tool, an agricultural tool hitched behind a tractor, enables us to remove the grass between the vines and close to the stocks, a job that used to be done by hand. Other solutions are available to us, such as planting short grass between the rows of vines to prevent the proliferation of weeds. We pioneered its use in the region.

The HVE approach also makes us think about the use of water resources for the vines. We use precise drip irrigation and pay close attention to the water needs of the vines, while limiting irrigation according to the rules defined by the specifications of our appellations.

The HVE approach also limits the use of products that are harmful to humans, but authorizes the use of systemic products that will act more effectively in the vineyard, without damaging the ecosystem, in order to produce in a sustainable and responsible way. We leave borders and forests, so that not everything is cultivated and biodiversity can continue to develop. We treat cellar waste in our purification basin, which is made up of reeds adapted to the environment. We have bought an electric car for short trips, which limits our carbon footprint.


Through the sum of these small gestures, we hope to help protect the planet for the benefit of future generations.

Cellar opening hours

Monday to Friday

From 8h30 to 12h00 and from 13h30 to 17h30


On appointment

Our vineyard has been certified HVE Level III since 2019.



+33 4 90 65 41 24 / +33 6 67 00 84 86




1272 route de la Brunely
84260 Sarrians

Latitude : 44.083415
Longitude : 4.971544

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